Wahab*, Fandi Ali Mustika*,
Rizal Broer Bahaweres+,
Deny Setiawan*, Mudrik Alaydrus*
growth of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in the late years, encourages
a lot of research in it. The most investigated
topics are energy consumption, coverage, and connectivity in WSN.
This paper discusses connectivity for WSN
with the presence of simple obstacles. The
LEACH protocol is used and is
modified based on the
obstacle, to improve the clustering process. We propose an algorithm
based on the intersection of line to improve the original
LEACH. The result of simulation shown the modified
LEACH algorithm works
better than the original LEACH with the
presence of obstacle based on energy consumption and loss of
transmission data. The future work could be done to modify the LEACH
for arbitrary obstacle.
Obstacle; WSN